wudang tai chi

Wudang Tai Chi Essentials

Wudang Tai Chi combines studies of Chinese medical energy channel with Taoist life principles. It features softness in continuity, the attack goes along with steps and touch, harmonizes by being easy-going in manner, strengthens Qi, concentrates the spirit, avoids stiffness, leverages the attacker’s strength to hit back, combines the movement and steadiness in one, and improves body internally and externally.

Wudang Taiji does not simply refer to Taichi boxing routine, It is actually a combination of three levels – external boxing and internal Qi nourishing exercises: Taichi, Liangyi and Wuji.

The combination forms a comprehensive practice that extends from the external to the internal, from dynamic to static, from the elementary to the advanced.

Wudang Taichi and Wudang Kungfu have been practiced to defend China in old times and to self-defense in modern times. These practices improve physical fitness, cultivate spirituality and relieve stress.

Wudang Tai Chi contains various internal life nourishing practices such as breathing guidance and standing meditation, it fits Five Elements and Bagua (八卦).

Special properties when practicing Wudang Tai Chi are: stretch the cervical spine naturally and so erect the head, contain the chest and straighten the back, sink and relax the shoulders and lower the elbow and tip the tongue against the upper jaw. When practice, it is necessary to achieve internal integration:

  • Movement-Mind coordination
  • Mind-Qi coordination
  • Qi-Spirit coordination

The key of the motion in Wudang Tai Chi is continuance like the floating clouds and flowing water with natural rhythm. Best example is the Cloud Hands exercise. The combination of the strength and softness can counter a strong attack with light movement. The movement and steadiness look like a needle in the cloth as it’s the combination of strength and softness. The breathing should happen naturally with deep, long and even and controlled movements. 

1 thought on “Wudang Tai Chi Essentials

  1. Very nice products you offer, thank you.

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